Tuesday, 19 August 2014

We Have Moved!

    Say hello to the Pilgrim's new home!  

After 6 years in our flat and 2 children later we have (finally!) moved into our lovely new house at 51 Esher Road. A year in the making, thanks to a very arduous and prolonged sale process, having to re-sell our flat 3 times and pulling out of 1 sale here we are in our new home and what a beauty it is! On Jun 24th we moved everything from our flat 5 mins down the road and herein begins new phase of our life! We have a proper house, a huge garden and it is all ours! Well sort of...when we pay off the mortgage in 25 years -yikes! 

And so immediately we set about enjoying our new found space taking it all in and taking advantage of our lovely big garden! what a pleasure,  enjoying a bit of breakfast, dinner and a few drinks out on the patio and the kids immediately got stuck in too running in and out of the house exploring the new space -we all love it! Naturally, to round-off the big day we popped the cork on a vintage bottle of 2004 Dom Perignon (as you do!!!) and now i'm just thinking about all the bloomin' DIY i have got to do...!

Although the change has beeen undeniable we thought the difference between living in a flat and house would be like night and day and in some ways of course it is but in our minds we had moved in as soon as our offer was excepted a year back so when we arrived here in a strange way it felt as normal and natural as if we had been living here for ages...!

Love it!