A momentous day just passed! We had our 20 week sonogram to see how our little No.2 is getting on. All is well. He or She is 15.2 cm (if we have it right) from head to bum and the head is 18 cm in circumference. The heart and lungs are all working as they should, the brain the right size and apparently the Femur is just the right length! By the end of Nov. we will get to meet our second. It is still hard to grasp but all very exciting! Nov. is going to come around very quick I am sure!

From Mummy: It is also hard to remember but this little one seems a bit lazier than it's big sister. I remember being pummeled to death when Olive was inside but this one gives a few lazy kicks each evening around 10:00pm but not much else. I hope this means it'll be a good sleeper!!!
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