What is it about the 3rd birthday? All of Olive's friends from nursery putt on a succession of extravagant and elaborate 3rd birthday parties and now it was our turn! Thankfully we have Mummy's ingenuity and thrifty party planning skills and with permission granted from the Palace (!) we arranged an Easter Egg hunt party in the gardens of Hampton Court and it was a belter! A perfect day, beautifully sunny and warm we invited 15 of Olive's best friends from nursery to join the hunting party and locate 200 little eggs we planted around the shrubs, bushes and flower beds. Armed with little baskets and the promise of treats, sweets and surprises -they got well stuck in!
The food was almost ignored -at least by Olive who just about managed a few grapes amidst the excitement (and didn't even eat any of her own cake if you can believe it!).
Mummy outdid herself again with her stellar baking skills and made a truly wonderful cake and tier of cup cakes all topped with Cadbury's mini eggs. All the mums were duly impressed!
Mummy conducted happy birthday and Olive stood on the table to blow out her candles and cut the first slice...
All the kids had to be restrained from those cupcakes and cake and then for the most part they just went and scoffed the mini eggs on top!
The party rounded-up with some good ole bubble blowing and everybody sprinted about trying to catch those shimmering allusive spheres! And so, with perhaps a little too much sun and definitely a little too much excitement, Olive was absolutely beat!
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